Saturday, August 10, 2013

My shifting purpose

Dear Beloveds!

I AM recently noticing a change in my life direction within my Soul purpose, and my personal path is getting more and more involved in this physical reality that I AM living in. I AM sure that it will only intensify after my physical relocation. I started sharing my messages online, while not really feeling guided to share them with the people here in my direct environment. But lately I AM observing a new kind of trend, and I see that I tend to talk to people here more often, and I AM meeting all kinds of Souls in my daily life. I AM really opening up, I AM super communicative and I AM not afraid of fully being myself.
When I go to my Nature/Mountain trips, I usually meet random people and we exchange energy for a while, and then we go separate ways after it. On my latest Mountain trip, I met this nice woman who was really open and living from her Heart, even if she still works in the system. She was devoted to making a change there. We randomly started to talk, and then we met on the top again and had a deeper conversation about many things in life.

So my Beloved pioneering Souls and pillars of Light, do not be afraid to shine your Light in your daily life. For a while now, the safest place for us to speak about the things that we know and share deeper messages about Ascension, etc., has been here online. But now our purpose is shifting, because we need to touch people from all walks of life with our energy. Whomever we are meant to come across and exchange energy with, we always will ... but we need to remain open and ready to share our Truth about Love and awareness. Of course, we need to chose our words through simplicity. I AM no longer afraid to tell people what I do and speak up on my own behalf. Not everyone will understand me, but I AM not here to be understood anyway ... I AM here to spread awareness about a different way of living and Being.

Whoever is meant to profit from my sharing and energy, will ... and the rest is not important. We need to get down into the most physical level and affect those who are still in the dark ... not those who are already in the Light. I know it feels the most comfortable to share with those who already support us, understand what we share and resonate with the messages that we spread, but that is only one part of our purpose. As Ascension Pioneers, we are also invited to shine the Light in the darkest of places. This always comes naturally, and never through control or trying to make it happen. That is what being a pillar of Light truly means anyway. So do not be afraid of your inner power, and don't hide who You are. You are a beautiful Soul and people from all walks of life are waiting for your "embrace."

Many of us are coming out of the "Ascension closet," so to speak. And trust me ... once we open up, we always see that there is nothing to be afraid anyway ... and that we have nothing to hide anymore!

Go for it ... Be that Lighthouse that You truly are!

I would also like to share more about the shifts within my online services. I AM so happy to announce this! I have found a free audio editing program, so I will now be able to record my Ascension messages for You. I AM so excited, because I can share more information this way, as typing it up takes so long. I will be sending out mp3 files with your personal readings this way! If You want your personal Ascension message, I will be able to deliver it to You this way. If You wish to receive your personal Ascension message to help You activate and integrate the new energies and show You where You are in your Ascension process now, be sure to ask for one. All the instructions are shared in the description of my "Ascension messages" album on my Ascension Pioneers Facebook page.

You can also e-mail me at and we'll take it from there. I AM always so happy to be of assistance!

Within Divine Love, Polona

P.S. You can also ask a specific question and see what Spirit has to say about it!
