Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Gemini New Moon: Starting over

Dear Beloveds!

We are at a time of the Gemini New Moon, which is a super Moon that occurs on May 25th. This lunation acts as a strong Gateway point and starting completely anew, for many Souls who have been on the ascending timeline for quite a long time. For many such Souls it might feel as nothing has truly shifted on the outside in a major way, although there was much inner work and integration. This is partially true, and yet it all depends on the perspective which we are observing our reality from. The fact is, that many of us had to experience and integrate polarities within ourselves first, in order to experience a fully integrated and unified reality on the outside. The creation of a unified timeline begins within ourselves, and therefore everything that we have ever experienced was a catalyst for that unification. Many visions and higher ideals come from our Soul, and we are not to suddenly give up on them, because with those visions we are actually holding the threshold of the New reality.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Core spirituality & multidimensional quantum cognition

Dear Beloveds!

What is organic spirituality? In this "modern" world full of so many religions, traditions and spiritual beliefs, it's deeply challenging for the majority of people to find their own way of truly connecting to Source, to that which is the Core Creation Self. In Truth, any belief and artificially imposed paradigm only limits our natural and intrinsic connection with Source. How can we know how to expand in Soul Union if we don't try things on our own through experience? So many "spiritual" beliefs are formulated around how we should be or act when we are "spiritual", while at the very Core of our Spirit, that's not spiritual at all. Only our organic connection through our Core is. But so many still forget to connect to that Core, and are instead pursuing spirituality outside of themselves, endlessly searching, joining groups and seeking answers through others or conditioned external beliefs.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Vesak & Outpouring of Divine radiance

Dear Beloveds!

This week on May 10th are celebrating the most important Full Moon of the year according to the Ancient traditions of the "Great Buddhas", which is celebrated during the Full Moon when the Sun travels through the constellation of Taurus. Simultaneously we are going through deep Cosmic rebirth. The Cosmic egg of Creation wants to have a safe nesting space within us, so that we could birth anew in fully renewed awareness. As we do, we are then also able to share this new awareness space with others in complete balance of how we give and receive of Love! The dissolving of the old mostly relates to the death of linear processing of information and structural thinking, to give more room to our fully operational multidimensional framework and Galactic consciousness. We are in bright shining times ahead! The energy is supporting our lift off into a new cycle of Soul expansion where we get to create something new and deeply magical! We are all co-creating this together and we have to celebrate our creations from time to time!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

The ascended Ones & Gaia calling

Dear Beloveds!

Welcome to the new energetic month of May, the month of flowers and Love! We celebrated Beltane on May 1st, which is the return of Spring where Nature is at its pivotal opening point. Therefore this is a major month of expansion, and we may feel limitless in so many creative ways. Our energy field is expanding, and we can even imagine ourselves as radiating more and more liquid golden light. This is a month when Mercury goes back direct on the 3rd, and so we will finally be able to stabilize and anchor those turbulent New energy waves that have been seeding on our planet last month. The Moon's nodes as our collective point of destiny are shifting into Leo-Aquarius polarity, and Leo as the archetype of heart centered Self awareness and creativity is calling us to bring focus to everything that we do passionately and devotedly love and adore to create.
